
All Algafood certifications and authorizations

Company with Self-Control Manual compliant with EC Reg. 852/04 and subsequent amendments and additions

HACCP model is the acronym for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (Risk Analysis and Control of Critical Points). In simpler words, it is a control system, relating to the production of food, which has as its objective the guarantee of hygienic safety and edibility.

Via Capitano Massimo Scala, 26

Milazzo (ME)

+39 331 3582148


Company with Self-Control Manual compliant with EC Reg. 852/04 and subsequent amendments and additions

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Via Capitano Massimo Scala, 26

Milazzo (ME)

+39 331 3582148


Company with Self-Control Manual compliant with EC Reg. 852/04 and subsequent amendments and additions

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By subscribing to our newsletter we will keep you updated on all our initiatives.